Oh My Core

Drake may have us desiring a “stomach on flat flat,” but, our abs, more specifically, our core, which includes muscles in our lower back and hips, are involved in every single movement we do. Because of that, our core in an integral part of everyday activities. So essentially, if you took away your arms and legs, all that’s left is your core.

Crazy right?

So giving some love and attention to strengthening those muscles can lead to a better performance during those tough workouts and reduce the potential to get injured. (Goodbye lower back pain!) You ever heard a trainer say engage your core during a burpee or boxing punch? Yeah, it’s that important.

Stabilization is the first phase of core training. So we are sharing a few core stabilizing exercises to get you started. Don’t worry, stability exercises are also pretty effective in working those abs. Check them out below, and remember that sexy mid-section is not just for show!

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This site offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

CaCera & Shawnie